A PUPIL support agency will be temporarily closed while refurbishment work takes place.

Stockton Borough Council's pupil and student support section will close for five weeks from Monday, July 7, to enable building work to be carried out in its reception area.

Anyone needing an appointment will be able to contact the agency by phone. Alternative meeting places will be arranged.

Customers can also leave forms or letters for the service at the reception desk in Municipal Buildings, Church Road, Stockton.

Betty Johns, assistant education officer for pupils and students at the council, said: "We apologise for any inconvenience caused but normal service will be resumed as soon as the building work is completed."

The telephone numbers people can use to contact the different services within the section are: school admissions and transfers (01642) 393523; free school meals and clothing grants (01642) 392524; student support (01642) 393526.