A NEW pressure group has joined the pro-hunting lobby and plans to march on London to deliver its Pants To Prejudice message to the Prime Minister this weekend.

Yorkshire Families 4 Hunting (YF4H) will be setting up camp on Parliament Square on Sunday as the Government prepares for a third reading of a Bill to ban the sport.

"In its present form, the Hunting Bill is a ban in all but name, and would have a devastating effect on many rural communities," said YF4H spokeswoman Julie Nelson.

"We cannot allow prejudiced MPs to ignore the damage they will do to our families with this unfair and unprincipled legislation.

"There is absolutely no justification for attacking hunting and everyone agrees there are dozens of more important issues that Parliament should be discussing."

Ms Nelson said the delegation would be asking politicians from both houses to join them in Parliament Square, but said they would also be making known their views about the behaviour of many MPs.