A choir of 55 children from 11 primary schools in the Eston Education Action Zone will give two performances today of the musical Footprints On The Moon, which is based on Neil Armstrong's moon walk.

The performances take place at the City Learning Centre, Normanby Road, South Bank, at 10.45am and 1.45pm. Admission is free.

BIG REUNION: Oscars, an out-of-school and holiday care scheme in Hartlepool, is planning a reunion of former staff and children to help celebrate its tenth anniversary, on Friday, July 25. To take part, call Sandra Robinson on (01429) 273401.

FARM BLAZE: Firefighters were called out to a farm in Durham Road, Wolviston, yesterday after fire broke out in two cow sheds being used for storage. The fire brigade was called at 2.50am and four firefighters spent more than 40 minutes tackling the blaze. The sheds were badly scorched by the flames.

WORK BEGINS: Work to upgrade the footpath next to the A174 Carlin How road starts today. The work will be carried out on the south side of the carriageway from the Railway Cottages to Maynard Street and is expected to take two weeks. Traffic lights will be in place.

WOMAN FREED: A woman was taken to hospital after being freed by the fire brigade after her car overturned outside Seaton Carew's Mayfair Centre, on Saturday afternoon.

TICKETS APPEAL: Staff at a Middlesbrough school are looking for five tickets to the 70s night at Ormesby Hall on Saturday. Anyone who has spare tickets is asked to call Karen Derby, at Park End Primary School, on (01642) 314309.

FLAT FIRE: Firefighters from Thornaby and Billingham were called to a fire in a flat in Cranbourne Terrace, Stockton, early yesterday. The blaze is believed to have started in a rubbish bin.

GUILD MEETS: Acklam Townswomen's Guild will meet at the Friends Meeting House, in Cambridge Road, Middlesbrough, at 2pm next Monday. There will be a talk and slides featuring scenes from Middlesbrough's past.