PRIMARY school pupils in a former colliery town will take an imaginery trip to the Pacific in a joint arts project that starts today.

The children from five schools in Seaham will also be preparing for a dramatic production to be staged next week.

Storytellers Malcolm Green, Ken Patterson and Richard Scott, of Four Corners World Music, will work with ten and 11-year-olds at Deneside Junior, New Seaham Primary, Princess Road Primary, Ropery Walk Primary and Westlea Primary schools to produce an interpretation of Michael Morpurgo's adventure story, Kensuke's Kingdom.

In the story a young boy is shipwrecked on a Pacific island, where he meets Kensuke, a Japanese soldier who has lived there for decades.

Year ten pupils from Seaham School of Technology will be helping the youngsters with their art and preparation for the performance.

The event is part of part of Seaham Schools Bridging Project, supported by Easington and Seaham Education Action Zone.

It will end with a stage performance at Sunderland Empire Theatre on Thursday, July 10.