CROWDS were drawn to Preston Park, near, Stockton, at the weekend to see a display of vintage vehicles.

Cars from bygone days were on show at Stockton Borough Council's Vehicle Rally.

More unusual modes of transport included a 17th Century fire engine.

Derek Batchelor, the council's events officer, said: "The event goes from strength to strength each year because it is one of the weekends where there is something for everyone."

As well as the classic cars, crowds watched leaps and fire stunts performed by James Dylan's Stunt World. Other entertainment included the Hod Rotter stunt car and clowns.

For those who preferred the gentler side of life there were craft stalls and exhibitions, one of which opened at Preston Hall Museum at the weekend.

To mark the museum's 50th anniversary, the exhibition charts the history and development of Preston Hall.

Using photographs, documents and memorabilia it shows the hall's changing role as first a family home and then, from 1953, a museum.

The building, which was owned by David Burton Fowler and Sir Robert Ropner, is now the property of the borough council.

Nic Bowyer, the council's museums development officer, said: "This is just the start of a whole host of events and activities to celebrate 50 years of Preston Hall Museum.

"There will be some fascinating photographs and memorabilia on display to paint a picture of its development and the changes that have taken place over the years."

Normal museum admission prices apply and the exhibition is open from 10am and 5pm.