THESE children made a theatrical debut this week with a dance show they have helped to devise.

The pupils at South Pelaw Infants' School, near Chester-le-Street, have spent weeks rehearsing their own show, based on the story, We're Going on a Bear Hunt.

On Tuesday the results of their creative endeavours were performed in front of a live audience at the Gala Theatre in Durham.

Head Irene Cochrane said: "A whole class has taken part. But children love art, it's always surprising how many children who might not be academic, can draw or paint or dance."

The South Pelaw school was one of 16 to give live performances at the theatre this week. The project began when teachers from each of the schools took part in a four-week dance training course with Tin Productions, based at The Forge, Aykley Heads, Durham.

The teachers were then sent back into their schools to help children to devise their own sequences.

South Pelaw Infants' School was recently given an Artsmark Award for its emphasis on creativity.