Darlington people affected by adoption can get help to find out information about their family history at a drop-in session on Wednesday.

An advice centre managed by the DFW Adoption agency is holding an open meeting for anyone seeking information about relatives.

The centre, which is one of two specialist drop-in centres the charity runs in the region, has been open for 18 months.

The Darlington centre has already helped to reunite a birth mother and father with their child and an adoptee with birth parents.

Catriona Morris, adoption mediation co-ordinator, said: "Although we can't promise happy endings, we're here to make it as easy as possible for people touched by adoption to access the services they need."

Meetings take place at the Dolphin Centre in Darlington on the last Wednesday of each month between 1pm and 4pm.

For more information about the meeting or for details about any of the other services provided by DFW Adoption, visit the website at dfw-adoption.org. or telephone 0191-386 3719.