EXPERTS in crime investigation have received accolades after honing their skills at a North-East centre of excellence.

Centrex national training centre for crime investigation, based at Harperley Hall, near Crook, County Durham, held its tenth annual awards ceremony at Durham Castle.

Her Majesty's Inspector of Police Training, Robin Field-Smith, presenting the awards, told graduates and their families: "The work of the National Training Centre is vital to the effective detection of crime, and the provision of the necessary knowledge and skills in forensic science to police officers and staff.

"It's most important that we recognise the achievements of those students who have attained the highest distinction in their particular specialisms."

The awards go to students from police forces across the country, who have attended courses at Harperley Hall and the centre's other sites.

Those honoured have either achieved a student of the year award, or have completed two years' study, resulting in the award of a diploma in crime scene examination.

It is given by Durham University, a partner to the training centre.

Among the recipients was Michael Redding, 44, a civilian support officer with Northumbria Police, who received the Advanced Fingerprint Course Student of the Year award.