MEN and women who have received long-term medical treatment are being given a chance to act as expert patients in a new programme that starts in September.

They will be able to take part in a scheme at Barnard Castle to help them cope with ailments including arthritis, asthma, diabetes, heart conditions and multiple sclerosis, and to help others cope, too.

The project is being organised by the Durham Dales Primary Care Trust.

The first stage of the programme earlier this year was a notable success. The next section will be hosted by staff at the Teesdale Carers Centre.

Courses will be offered to run alongside normal medical treatments. The benefits could include a reduction of the symptoms, easing of pain and greater self-confidence.

Volunteers will be able to receive special training which will enable them to deliver self-management courses to others with the same illnesses.

Anyone who would like to take part can contact Katharine Humby on (01388) 458835 or Liz Johnson on (01833) 638828.