TWO firearms experts are to train fellow police officers in the West Indies.

The Cleveland Police officers were requested for the job because of their role protecting former Northern Ireland secretaries Mo Mowlam and Peter Mandelson.

Sergeant Jon Winn and PC Ray Taylor are to fly across the Atlantic to lead an intensive two-week course for Special Branch officers in Barbados.

Sgt Winn, senior instructor and head of firearms training for the force, said: "It will be hard work and intensive. This is not classroom-orientated. There will be firearms training, deployment from vehicles, how to deal with attacks on VIPs, as well as the straightforward protection for VIPs.

"We were recommended by a former Metropolitan Police officer, who was protection officer for Mo Mowlam and Peter Mandelson. He worked with Cleveland Police for some time and was impressed.

"He now works in Antigua and it was through him the request for our services was made. It came completely out of the blue. They could have gone anywhere in the world."

Cleveland Police, along with Durham Constabulary, jointly runs the hi-tech firearms training centre at Urlay Nook, near Stockton, which has won worldwide acclaim.