A JOBSEARCH team has secured a new future for two Shildon men who were made redundant.

Ernest Schact was one of the casualties when manufacturing company Vertex closed down in the town earlier this year, leaving 120 people without employment.

Mr Schact, 50, was devastated and feared that he would never find another job, but said his luck changed after visiting Shildon Jobsearch.

The scheme was set up six months ago to help local people find work. It is funded through the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund and is a partnership between Durham District JobCentre Plus and Sedgefield Borough Council.

Mr Schact is now working with recycling company Premier Waste Management, which recently began operating its kerbside recycling scheme in Durham.

He has been joined by Bob Harker, 43, who was made redundant from the Electrolux plant in Spennymoor.

He has held a series of temporary jobs since then.

Both men had to go on a two-week preparation course at Durham Programme Centre to learn all about recycling, health and safety, team work and time-management.

Mr Harker praised Shildon Jobsearch for helping him.

Both he and Mr Schact were offered help to fill in application forms and prepare curriculum vitae, and were given access to stationery and postage.

Mr Harker said: "Having a permanent job is great because it means I'm settled and know that I've got my wages coming in all the time.''

For details call Joanne Mounter or Stephen Wall on 07855 319421.