LATEST accident figures for a North Yorkshire district have shown a sharp rise.

Injury accidents in the Harrogate district, which includes Ripon, Knaresborough and Boroughbridge, have shown a 10.5 per cent rise in the past year, from 631 to 705.

The number of casualties rose 12.9 per cent from 917 to 1,053.

Nationwide, injury accidents have also increased but only by 3.6 per cent, while there has been a 2.2 per cent rise in casualties.

At a North Yorkshire County Council area committee meeting in Harrogate, highway chiefs revealed that casualties on A class roads in the Harrogate district had risen by 39 per cent to 43 per cent, an increase of 100 casualties.

Concern has led to an analysis of A road casualties being carried out to try to find a common thread to the big increase.