AN outreach youth work fishing tournament held in Billingham has been so successful the team is now planning to make it a regular occurrence.

The Youth Services' Mobile Unit Fishing Tournament, which was held at Charlton's Pond, Billingham, on Friday, saw 23 boys and girls taking part.

The youngsters enjoyed the event so much they have asked for it to take part every Friday night.

However, due to bad weather the mini five-a-side football tournament, the nature trail and the water painting competition had to be cancelled and the only activities that could be held on the night were the fishing and barbecue.

The winner of the tournament was Sarah Dickinson.

Dave Evans, youth worker for Stockton Borough Council's youth services, said: "This was a fantastic night and one of the most productive the youth service has had, gaining respect and breaking down barriers with the young people and the residents of the area.

"It was a great result for all the young people who took part and not forgetting the residents and the Outreach team."