DETECTIVES are hunting a man who raped a 13-year-old girl as she walked home.

The girl, from the Redhouse area of Sunderland, was attacked at 9.15pm on Friday.

She was making her way home along a footpath at the back of Hylton Redhouse Comprehensive School, when she was approached by a man. He forced her to the ground and raped her.

He was described as white, aged 16 to 20, 5ft 6in to 5ft 8in tall, of slim build, with a fair complexion and spotty chin.

He wore a dark blue or black tracksuit, with a blue, Burberry-style baseball cap and spoke with a local accent.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Sunderland City CID on 0191-454 7555, extension 66144.

Meanwhile, police in Newcastle are also into an accusation of rape.

A 23-year-old woman told them she was raped at the Newcastle end of the High Level Bridge at about 10.40pm on Sunday. She raised the alarm at a nearby pub shortly afterwards.

Detectives are trying to trace the driver of a car that was crossing the bridge shortly after the alleged incident happened. The victim tried to stop the car for help.

Her attacker was described as having a chubby face and wore a Nike checked shirt. Anyone with information is asked to contact Newcastle CID on 0191-214 6555, extension 62143.