A CAMPAIGN to encourage lone parents to get a job is being launched in County Durham.

Department of Work and Pensions staff will be at supermarkets over the next few weeks handing out leaflets on finding work.

A spokesman said: "As the end of the school summer holidays draws near, many lone parents often start thinking about getting a job after the kids go back to school.

"That's why we are going out and about to let people know that we are there to support them every step of the way.

"We can offer help to get on courses to boost confidence, or update skills or carry out job searches.

"Once a job opportunity has been spotted, we can help practice interview skills and even provide a grant for clothing for an interview.''

Lone parent advisors at Jobcentre Plus offices can fast track applications for working family tax credit.

They can also arrange for housing benefit and council tax benefit to continue for a couple of weeks after starting work and provide extra financial help until the first wage packet is received as well as give advice on childcare.

From 9.30am to 3.30pm, the lone parent advisors will be at: Consett bus station, Thursday; Kwiksave, Seaham, Friday; Asda, Peterlee, Friday, August 29; Somerfield, Dragonville, Durham, Thursday, September 11.