A PLAN for road safety measures proposed for Thirsk Market Place needs to go back to the drawing board says the town council.

Members considered the plan at this week's meeting when several members of the public also expressed their concern at some of the measures designed for the A61 Finkle Street approach and the market place.

Coun Jim Jackson said: "So many things on this plan will not work. We need the town as a whole looking at by someone who knows it.

"I welcome the fact that at least we have got a plan and congratulate North Yorkshire County Council on its preparation, but I would like to see one which will work," he said.

The scheme includes a re-arrangement of several parking areas, including parking in front of Knowles newsagents, but this would create grave problems for lorries delivering to the three businesses there, said chairman Coun Derek Adamson.

Coun Steve Hubbard said three public areas where there was great difficulty getting across the road, by the town hall, cinema and bingo hall, had been ignored.

"There is no safe crossing area at this end of town, yet traffic speeds round the bends," he said.

Another busy area was Castlegate, Westgate and Chapel Street, said Coun Andrew Robinson.

"This is one of the busiest points, yet the county council says it cannot suggest any improvements here," he said. "Surely a painted roundabout at the Chapel Street junction would slow traffic down by giving no-one priority at the junction. It works elsewhere.

"This plan will make Finkle Street more dangerous than it already is. It should go back to the drawing board."

The clerk reported that many people had expressed concern about the plan and had submitted their views to the county council.