VICTIMS of domestic violence will help others spot the signs of an abuser as part of a course that starts in Darlington next month.

Women sufferers of domestic violence will help others during the 12-week project.

The Freedom Programme helps women recognise the signs of a potential abuser to help them keep healthy relationships.

The course, which has been organised by the Darlington Domestic Violence Forum, ran last year and proved such a success it will take place again from September.

It is free and open to anyone interested in finding out about domestic violence, whether they are directly involved or know someone who is suffering.

The course, billed as "an hour a week that could change your life", consists of a series of informal meetings.

Organiser Lynne Hinde said: "The programme is open to any woman who wishes to learn more about domestic violence, being aimed at those who have experienced violence in the home against themselves or other family members and for those who are wanting to support family members, friends or colleagues experiencing domestic violence.

"The meetings provide an opportunity to talk and share experiences in a safe and supportive environment while gaining a fuller understanding of domestic violence."

The course will be run by members of the forum's Survivor Network, who have themselves been victims of domestic violence.

Organisers said last year's course helped some women move on with their lives and discuss the impact violence had on their children.

The Freedom Programme was devised by a former probation officer in Liverpool who had worked with violent men.

It also looks at the effect of violence on children and aims to boost women's self esteem to improve their quality of life.

There is also a one-day course for men and women who want to find out more about the situation and how to help victims.

The programme is being held in Darlington at a town centre venue.

For details of dates and venue contact Ms Hinde, in confidence, on (01325) 241251 or write to Freedom Programme, PO Box 106, Darlington, DL3 7YS.