DURHAM City Council is drawing up plans to expand its boundaries.

The council is looking to take in places such as Sacriston, Plawsworth and Langley Park to create a new area for a unitary authority.

A unitary, or all-purpose council providing all services, would replace the current two council structure if the North-East gets a regional assembly.

The discussion is whether there should be one countywide authority or three or four more local councils.

A report commissioned by the county's district councils, all of which are Labour run except Durham City, suggested that a new council be created by merging Durham with Easington.

But the city's Liberal Democrats said expanding the city's boundaries to take in neighbouring wards would be a better option.

"Our proposals will ensure that the historic name and identity of Durham City is retained,'' said council leader Sue Pitts.

"The council's area will be enlarged to include some of the wards on the edge of the city's boundaries.

She said some of the places "have at one time or another, and for various purposes, been part of Durham".

The proposals, which will be submitted to the Boundary Commission, will be considered by the council next month.