FRIENDS of murder victim Caroline Stuttle will tonight celebrate what would have been her 21st birthday.

Three of her close friends from school and college in York wanted to remember her, and at the same time raise funds for the charity established in her memory.

Laura Roberts, 20, said: "It would have been Caroline's 21st birthday, and we wanted to do something to mark it.

"So we decided to throw a rainbow cocktail party in her honour. We think she would have enjoyed this kind of thing. It will be special."

Former Huntington School pupil Caroline, 19, was killed in Bundaberg, Australia, in April last year while on a gap-year after her A-levels.

Her travelling companion and school friend Sarah Holiday, and college friend Ben Fogarty are organising the event with Laura.

Miss Roberts said: "We all knew Caroline through different things, but were good friends of hers.

"It is nice to be able to do something good for her, and have fun remembering her."

The cocktail party is being held tonight, the day before Caroline's birthday.

Caroline's mother, Marjorie, said: "I think it is a lovely idea. It is nice for them all to want to keep in touch. I will be there, I am quite touched by it all."

The event will be held at the Pitcher and Piano, in York, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £5 at the door.

Admission will include cocktails and entry into a raffle for prizes donated by York companies.

All proceeds will be donated to the Follow The Rainbow Campaign.