A 15- yaer-old girl made a brave effort to ride from Lands End to John O'Groats for charity.

But Sophie Adams, of Norton, near Stockton, had such pain in her knee that she could not cycle the whole journey.

Norton Comprehensive pupil Sophie, whose grandfather, Jack Adams, is president of the Lands End to John O'Groats Association, still managed to raise hundreds of pounds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

"I am very, very proud of her," said Mr Adams. "She had fluid on the knee before she left but the doctor said she should be okay. Unfortunately, after three days she was in a lot of pain.

"Sophie also suffered from heat exhaustion. She was with a friend she met through the association who wanted to ride over Dartmoor. It was rough and there wasn't a breath of air but she managed to do that. Her friend dropped out after that but Sophie still managed to cycle through parts of the journey when her knee was up to it. She would have done more but I was scared she could end up with permanent damage.

"At the end she was in tears from it all as she cycled through Scotland. But I told her to look up and she could see John O'Groats and she did the last lap. She did a total of 620 miles in all and she promised she'll be back to do the lot next time."

Sophie has also organised a charity night at Billingham Constitution Club on Wednesday, September 24 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Call Mr Adams on (01642) 657752 to buy a £1 ticket.