THE largest single meeting of North-East families affected by the retained organs scandal is expected to take place tomorrow night.

The main reason for holding the meeting is to set up a support group to help the thousands of people affected by the scandal.

But another important aim is to try to change the way hospital trusts inform next-of-kin about retained organs.

Organiser Brian Storey, from Ashington, Northumberland, said he feared vulnerable people could be tempted to commit suicide because of the insensitive way the information is given.

Currently, family members are sent a letter containing a sealed envelope advising them not to read the contents without another family members being present.

Mr Storey said: "It is human nature to want to see what is inside, and unless this method is changed, it could mean someone taking their own life.

"I want hospitals to tell people face-to-face."

Backed by the national Retained Organs Commission, the meeting will aim to appoint a secretary, chairperson and treasurer.

Mr Storey, 63, who is acting as co-ordinator for the meeting, got involved when he and his wife discovered that organs from the son they lost in 1963 had been retained without their knowledge.

He said: "We have already held a meeting which was attended by many families. Now we want to see people from Berwick down to Middlesbrough coming along."

Representatives from hospitals in Durham, Newcastle and Gateshead plan to attend, and Mr Storey hoped that many other hospitals in the region would attend.

Mr Storey said the size of the problem was larger than many people realised.

He said: "We know of at least 500 families affected in Newcastle alone, and there will be large numbers from other parts of the region."

Earlier this year, a report revealed that more than 20,000 brains were illegally removed from patients undergoing post-mortem examinations between 1961 and 1999.

Under the Human Tissue Act, organs can only be retained if relatives do not object.

The meeting will take place at 7pm at the Jury's Inn hotel, Scotswood Road, Newcastle.

To attend the meeting, call 0800 092 0203