A RESTAURANT boss was furious when a group of diners settled their bill - with 18,000 pennies.

The police became embroiled in the row between Vincenzo Arceri and a firm that had an office party at his Italian restaurant, Emilios, in Durham City.

The recruitment company disputed the £180 bill Mr Arceri presented them at the end of the night.

When the diners left without paying, the police were called and they eventually agreed to pay.

But they insisted Mr Arceri picked up the cash himself from their offices, with a policeman on hand to keep the peace.

He had expected to pocket a cheque, but was greeted with buckets full to the brim with one-pence pieces.

The police officer told Mr Arceri he could refuse to accept the payment because the group was being unreasonable.

But, anxious to put the dispute behind him, he carried the buckets out to the car.

The company, Westray Recruitment, was unrepentant yesterday.

Maureen Wright, founder and managing director, said: "We paid to quell the possibility of any unpleasantness in our office when Mr Arceri came to collect the money.

"But we paid him in pennies to make life difficult for him."

Mr Arceri said: "I am furious at the way this company has behaved, it was unnecessary.

"When we got to their offices, they shook the police officer's hand and my own.

"Then they produced these 18,000 pennies as payment.

"The police officer was livid because he had done his best to settle this dispute amicably.

"I suppose they thought they were being clever by doing this, but they were not at all."

Durham police criticised the firm's actions.

A spokesman said: "The officer involved in this case had suggested the company pay Mr Arceri by cheque, but they insisted on someone from the restaurant coming to their offices with a police officer.

"Our officer expressed his disappointment to the company representative and told them what they were doing was an insult to himself and the restaurant owner.

"In our view, they were wasting police time by making this type of gesture."

The company will not face charges.