DETECTIVES are appealing for help to trace a bike belonging to a teenager who was found hanging from a tree.

Michael Gaffney, 16, of Finsbury Avenue, Newcastle, was found near the children's play area in Heaton Park, Newcastle, on September 4, 2001.

An open verdict was recorded at an inquest in January 2002 and police said there was nothing to suggest anyone else was involved. But his bike was never found and on the eve of the second anniversary of his death, detectives are trying to trace the BMX.

They want to speak to anyone who was in the park on the day Michael died.

Detective Inspector Andy Jones said: "Although we carried out inquiries at the scene immediately after Michael was found, his bike was never traced.

"We also believe there were people in the park in the hours leading up to Michael's death who didn't come forward at the time and we'd like to speak to them.

Michael had been about to start A-levels at Walker Technology College, where he was described as a model pupil.

He had visited his grandparents in Walker during the day and left to cycle home at 6.15pm. He was found two hours later.

The bike was a Diamondback BMX silver/chrome model with black handlebars, large blue metallic rear stunt pegs and a swept back seat.

Anyone with information is asked to call Newcastle East CID on 0191-214 6555, extension 62233.