VETERANS of the country's finest hour will gather this weekend to remember those who gave their lives in defence of the nation.

Bands will play and modern aircraft will fly in tribute at the annual Commemoration of the Battle of Britain at the Yorkshire Air Museum.

The Spitfire, Hurricane and Lancaster of the RAF's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight will sweep overhead at low-level.

The museum, at Elvington, near York, is holding Sunday's event with the North-Eastern region of the Royal Air Force Association and it is expected to be one of the biggest gatherings.

Following a VIP reception, the Band of the Royal Air Force Regiment will play in the Canadian Memorial Hangar, at 1.20pm.

A parade, with standard bearers, will follow in preparation for the commemoration service itself at 2pm.

Afterwards, there will be a march-past where the salute will be taken by Air Chief Marshal Sir John Willis with a flypast of Firefly aircraft from the Universities Air Squadron.

The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is expected overhead at 3.25pm and the finale to the event will be the Sunset Ceremony, during which the Band of the RAF Regiment will play the Evening Hymn as the Ensign is lowered.