EVENT rider Natalie Lander is proving she has a head for figures, as well as a head for heights.

In her spare time the 19-year-old, who works at the University of Durham as a finance secretary, is an accomplished horsewoman who tackles very large fences at three-day event competitions across the country.

When she is at work, Natalie turns her attention to figures and is responsible for processing invoices, handling purchase orders and compiling statements.

Natalie, who lives in Sunny Brow, Crook, joined the University of Durham in 2000 after giving up her studies at Durham Sixth Form College in favour of work.

She immediately began working to, and has now completed, a Modern Apprenticeship (MA) in Business Administration which is provided by the university and funded by the Learning and Skills Council County Durham.

The learning has not stopped there though, as Natalie is now studying for an Association of Accountancy Technicians qualification.

Natalie said: "Leaving college and starting work was the right decision for me. I now have the best of both worlds because I have a career which earns me money but I am also still learning.

"University was never an option for me because I have seven horses and I need to look after them. It is great that I can still pursue my hobby while also having a job I enjoy doing."

Natalie is now deciding whether she should pursue her interest in accountancy further and go on to study to become a chartered accountant.