THE £20m King's Academy will open its doors on Monday.

The school, which replaces Brackenhoe and Coulby Newham schools, will cater for 1,250 students, including special needs students.

However, a decision is yet to be made on the fate of 17 children who were excluded from Brackenhoe and Coulby Newham schools.

They will not attend King's Academy on Monday. Instead, they will start the new term at an old school, Beechwood, which is intended for excluded children.

Nigel McQuoid, principal at the academy, said the youngsters would be individually assessed.

"There are a number of children who were on the rolls of the Brackenhoe and Coulby Newham schools, but who, for a variety of reasons, have been receiving their education in other specialised facilities.

"In discussions with the council, it has been agreed that these children should return to those facilities at the start of the school term, and that an assessment of the best arrangements for their educational needs will be carried out as quickly as possible," he said.

The new school, which is partly funded by the Vardy Foundation, set up by car dealership tycoon Sir Peter Vardy, has the largest soundfield system at any school in the UK. The system provides streamlined low-level amplification which helps cut out back ground noise and can be transmitted to radio operated hearing aids.

Assistant principal Andy Lister, said: "Research has shown that it also helps all students to become more attentive."

For visually impaired children, the school has large computer monitors, specialised computer software, closed circuit televisions to help magnify reading materials and colour photocopiers for enlarging text.

Mr McQuoid said students would be encouraged to take a pride in themselves and their school when the school opens. It has adopted a compulsory uniform and is urging parents to support the policy.

Mr McQuoid said: "The uniform has a great deal to do with the kind of ethos we are aiming to achieve at the academy.

"Students will be encouraged to take a pride in themselves and their appearances at all times, and parents are asked to give their support in maintaining these very high standards."

Students will wear blue blazers bearing the school badge, black trousers and skirts, with white shirts and the school tie. Sixth-formers will wear a black blazer with black or grey trousers and skirts and all boys will be expected to wear the academy tie.