A VILLAGE was in mourning last night after an elderly couple died in a house fire believed to have been started by a discarded cigarette.

The fire brigade was alerted by neighbours who noticed smoke coming from the house in Palm Terrace, Craghead, near Stanley, County Durham, at 1am yesterday.

Firefighters found a 74-year-old woman, who has not been named, in the living room of the smoke-filled property. She was certified dead at the scene.

Police said her husband, also 74, was found unconscious in the hallway at the door, where he was believed to have been trying to get out of the door.

He died in the ambulance on the way to the University Hospital of North Durham.

Their next of kin have been informed, but they have not been formally identified.

Acting Inspector Eddie Bell said: "The woman was found on the settee, which appeared to be the seat of the fire. There was not a lot of fire damage. It was more smoke damage.

"Her husband is thought to have been in bed when the fire started and may have been trying to flee the blaze when he was overcome by the fumes and smoke.

"Investigators are working on the theory that the fire was caused by a discarded cigarette end."

A neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said: "My wife smelt smoke coming through a window. I went outside and saw thick smoke billowing from the house and alerted the neighbours. Everyone is shocked by the tragedy."

Next door neighbour Keith Irvin said: "They were lovely people. Everybody in the village knew them and will be saddened by their deaths."

Another neighbour, Sheila Dodds, said: "They were a nice couple. They have two daughters who live in the area.