AN informal area for youngsters needed a clean-up after it was attacked days before its official opening.

The 'pocket park' in Co-operative Terrace, New Brancepeth, was created by teenage members of the New Brancepeth Youth Group with support from youth workers at Groundwork East Durham.

It features a palm tree sculpture and seat with fish designs made by artist Graham Hopper.

It was officially opened by local Durham City councillor David Bell, leader of the Labour group.

Coun Bell said: "In the last few days a few of the younger ones have put salt and tomato sauce on the seat and we have had to do a bit of a clean up. Unfortunately they are some of the younger ones and they haven't been involved with the park.''

Coun Bell said the park received funding from the city council and Single Regeneration Budget.

"The park is what they wanted. They designed the seat and tree. We are hoping that they will take ownership and responsibility for it.''

Groundwork's Durham City project officer Jason Martin said: "The completion of this project just goes to show what young people can do when they are given the opportunity.''