A HUSBAND was ordered by magistrates to stay away from his estranged wife yesterday after he admitted harassing her over an eight-month period.

David Hope, 33, of Spring Hill, Darlington, was violent towards wife Sharon throughout their five-year marriage, South Durham Magistrates' Court was told.

But when the relationship broke down at the start of this year he began pestering her with abusive phone calls, faxes and text messages.

Stuart Allison, prosecuting, said Hope turned up at her home shouting and swearing on several occasions after they separated.

On July 13 this year, she was visiting a friend when she received a phone call from her daughter to say Hope was at the house.

"When her daughter rang up she was screaming 'mum, help me'," said Mr Allison. "Before that Mrs Hope had received four threatening texts from Mr Hope."

He said Mrs Hope arrived back at the house to see her husband standing at the front door, clutching a small claw hammer.

"He began moving quickly towards her," said Mr Allison. "She was in great fear of what was going to happen to her."

Hope smashed a window before police arrived and arrested him.

James Luke, mitigating, said his client was not an "inherently bad man".

He said he paid his wife's mortgage and provided for their children, and his children from a previous relationship.

Hope was given a 12-month community rehabilitation order by magistrates and ordered to pay £120 costs.

He was also placed under a six-month restraining order which says he can speak to his wife but must not "molest, pester or harass her".