by Robin Twizell

RMD Agriculture

WHEAT markets have generally maintained their strength but keep having a correction depending on political and weather input.

Some estimates are now increasing production in some countries but world supply will still be well down on last year, with end of season stocks at their lowest for years. This is helping 2004 harvest prices, in that November 2004 is about £80.

Oilseed prices are doing their normal up-and-down movement following US markets, which move significantly depending on whether rain is forecast. This means the markets are directionless, so finish up unchanged.

Thursday's prices

Dalgety Arable, Thorpe Arch. - Wheat: Sept £87; Oct £88; Nov £89. Barley: Sept £76; Oct £77; Nov £78. Oilseed rape: Sept £157; Oct £158;, Nov £159.

GrainCo, Tyne Dock. - Wheat: Sept £86; Oct £89; Nov £90. Barley: Sept £75; Oct £78; Nov £79. Oilseed rape: Sept £158; Oct £160; Nov £161.