A DISUSED smithy is being brought back to life by two farmers' sons.

Rob Walton and Jonathan Robson set up their own company - Rokeby Forge - in April.

They are working from Rob's parents' Cockleberry Farm at Brignall, but hope to be in their own premises in the next few months, with the showroom open for Christmas.

The business has grown out of their hobbies, and skills learnt on the family farms - Jonathan's family have Stoneystoops Farm at Smallways just off the A66 Scotch Corner to Penrith road.

They started making wrought iron gates, railings, security grilles and furniture and expanded into general building work and making and installing equine facilities.

"We will do anything really," said Rob, 22, who said they were both keen on sculptures and looking forward to receiving more orders and commissions.

"A friend asked us to make a heron and we have made quite a few now. Some have gone to London and an angel we are making is going to Stratford-on-Avon."

The showroom will be used to display their sculptures and a wide range of other items they intend to make, including candlesticks and artistic works.

The old smithy which is being converted stands on the Mortham Estate, where the two families are tenants, close to the A66 Cross Lanes junction for Barnard Castle.

It was the estate which hit on the idea of converting the smithy into a 75 sq m workshop, enabling Ron and Jonathan to expand their business.

They came up with a business plan which William Salvin, from the estate, successfully put forward for grant aid. The scheme received funding from One North-East, via County Durham's redundant farm building grant, to help refurbish the buildings.

Phil Hughes, a One North-East board member, said; "The redundant building grants are providing a rescue package to old buildings which often allows farm diversification, important to the future rural economy."

Coun Bob Pendlebury of Durham County Council said: "Redundant building grants are a valuable way of helping to bring unused rural buildings back to life so that they make a positive contribution to the local economy.

"It's good to see that a local business will be able to benefit and use the workspace in a building which would otherwise have been empty."

Rokeby Forge can be contacted on 07855 302 724 or 07713 151 026