A PROJECT aiming to use sport to keep young people on the right track is up and running.

Consett Juniors, which has hundreds of budding footballers aged eight to 18 on its books, has merged with Consett YMCA Juniors FC. The partnership will also involve Derwentside District Council and Derwentside Leisure.

Youth workers hope that, through sport, they can attract youngsters into studying for vocational qualifications.

Billy Robson, Consett YMCA manager, said: "Through the YMCA, we hope to put young people on various courses and also use our contacts throughout the world to send teams abroad." A team of under-16s has already been out to Germany. Young people from Derwentside have recently returned from a trip to Israel and Mr Robson hopes this will lead to a football exchange programme.

Consett Juniors has already won an FA charter mark, but the new club wants to achieve more.

Staff plan to work for an FA Community charter mark, which will involve boosting girls' football and taking the sport out into the wider community.

Dave Pike, club secretary, said: "It is not about winning everything. It is about getting the children to participate. Football is a great friendship maker and the big picture for us is about involving the community. We are here for football only, while the YMCA goes right across the board. It has lots of experience with young people and can offer them opportunities for foreign travel."

The club is already £1,500 richer, thanks to donations from the YMCA and Durham County councillor Clive Robson, who handed over £1,000 from the council's Members' Initiative Fund. And staff have also set up a weekly £100 prize draw to raise funds.

* Girls' football sessions for eight to 14-year-olds take place every Tuesday, 4.30-5.30pm, in Belle Vue leisure centre, Consett. For details call (01207) 218151.