WORK started yesterday on the first phase of a £7m science park, which is expected to create more than 200 jobs.

The park, managed by the University of Sunderland, will provide units for fledgling entrepreneurs and accommodation for established businesses.

The 1,440sq m park, at St Peter's Riverside, will also offer a step for businesses set up by undergraduates and graduates.

It is thought that 26 new businesses and seven existing businesses will sign up for the 33 new units under construction.

The park is also likely to draw some of its occupants from the university's new Media Centre, on the adjacent Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter's, which will house the regional centre of research excellence for digital media.

The TyneWear Partnership is supporting the park with £1.6m, from the Single Programme fund.

University vice-chancellor Professor Peter Fidler said: "The new Sunderland Science Park will be located close to our computing and informatics activities, our new Media Centre and the Business School.

"We have a number of initiatives and services which support fledgling and growing businesses.

"Business ideas are conceived and nurtured in our 'hatcheries' and then incubator space is required to progress these ideas into commercial enterprises.

"We are providing a dynamic commercial environment in which businesses can thrive and take special advantage of the links with the university and that is very exciting."

The university is working in partnership with the North East of England Business and Innovation Centre and the City of Sunderland.

By the end of next year, work is expected to start on a further 65 units at the park.