SIX residents from Sir William Turner's Almshouses, with a combined age of 430, have successfully completed a tourism customer care course.

The three men and three women received their Welcome Host certificates and Welcome to Excellence badges from the English Tourist Council.

They will act as voluntary custodians of the historic 17th Century chapel at the almshouses at Kirkleatham, near Redcar.

Harry Appleton, Jean Clubley, Alice Featherston, Margaret Price, Tony Whatmore and Bob Turner took part in a day-long course at the Almshouses, run by Northumbria Tourist Board.

Peter Sotheran, chairman of the trustees of the Almshouses, who also completed the course, said: "We get a steady flow of visitors throughout the summer months and we're confident the residents can offer a consistent level of service to everyone."

The course was funded by the Redcar Renaissance Single Regeneration Budget project, which is managed by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.

Councillor Dave Fitzpatrick, cabinet member for culture, leisure and tourism, said: "I'm sure visitors to the Almshouses will be enthralled by these residents.

"It's marvellous that they've taken time and trouble to successfully complete the course. Surely we must have the oldest and most experiences tourist guides in the country."