NEALE Cooper admits that two months ago he needed convincing about the merits of Chris Westwood.

Westwood, ever-present in last season's Hartlepool United promotion side and The Northern Echo's Player of the Year last season, failed to make an impression on the new manager over the summer.

Westwood played only a small part in Pool's pre-season programme and Cooper signed Andy Jordan as Westwood's days appeared to be under threat.

He was left out for the big pre-season friendly with Newcastle and instead played the following day against Whitby Town. Westwood admitted he wondered about his Pool future.

Yet 11 games into the season Westwood is the first name on Cooper's teamsheet.

The consistent central defender might have lost his regular partner in Graeme Lee when he left for Sheffield Wednesday, but has forged an immediate understanding with new recruit Micky Nelson.

Many feel the pairing is better than last season's version.

And, after his dismissal in Tuesday's Carling Cup defeat to West Brom, Cooper must manage without Mr Consistent for the home game with Sheffield Wednesday on Friday, October 11.

He has three games - against Brighton today, Wrexham next Tuesday night and Bournemouth in seven days - before his one-game ban and Cooper admitted: "The other night, I thought he was magnificent.

"He was OK after the game and will get over it. I have to say, I had my doubts about him pre-season, but he is so strong every game.

"Both he and Micky Nelson showed what they were capable of.''

There won't be an appeal against the red card, but Cooper admitted: "I thought he was just watching the flight of the ball. I knew it was coming over his head, and I thought it looked more like the lad ran into Westie, there was minimum of contact. It was a harsh decision.

"There was certainly no malicious intent from Westie. Maybe their lad saw Westie and came across him for it. Maybe our lads would do the same, I don't know.

"But it changed the game, I thought we had matched them all over the park before that.

"Westie is a vital player for us at the back. I thought we were immense at the back in the first-half and then we dropped Tinkler in there afterwards.

"But we still had a wee go, Ryan McCann had a good one at the end. We gave as good as we got, matched them and caused them problems. I just couldn't fault them at all.

"We put on a good show for the fans, which was important.''

Cooper was critical of his side after last Saturday's defeat at Brentford, but last night admitted: "We watched the video from that game in the early part of the week and it wasn't as bad as it seemed at the time - I promise you that.

"Of course it was disappointing to lose like we did, but both Martin and I felt it was better when we looked at it later.

"The movement was much better in midweek and that's good because last season West Brom were in the Premiership and I'll put my hat on them pushing for promotion this season.''

Darrell Clarke came in for praise from Cooper after being restored to the starting line-up.

The midfielder had been left out for four games before lining-up against West Brom and admitted: "I've had a bit of a frustrating time - we all want to play.

"All I could do was wait for my chance again and it came the other night. But to be fair, he is the sort of manager who gives everyone a chance.

"If you are not in the best of form or whatever, then you can expect to be left out. But I kept working hard, like everyone at this club, and got my chance.

"It was an enjoyable game. When we had 11 men we were in front and what did they have? A few long-range efforts and that was it.

"We had a good chance with Gabbers' header and we had the best chances of the game. Obviously with the players they have they will have their fair share of chances, but we felt comfortable.

"The sending-off changed the game for us. They scored from the free-kick from the same incident and from being in front with 11 men, we were level with ten.

"It was a double blow - if it stayed 1-0 after the sending-off we had something to cling on to.''