AN initiative has been launched in Hartlepool to raise awareness surrounding environmental issues.

Officers from Hartlepool Borough Council are offering environmental awareness training courses as part of their re-launched Pride in Hartlepool campaign.

Clare Iley-Christie, community environmental action officer, said: "Pride in Hartlepool has traditionally supported a wide range of physical improvement projects across the town, but as part of its re-launch earlier this year, we decided to expand the scope of the campaign.

"This includes providing educational opportunities to give people knowledge of environmental issues they can then apply to their daily activities."

There is an accredited six-hour course that can be delivered in one day or over several weeks, and a series of shorter courses covering subjects such as waste minimisation, energy conservation and water use.

Grants to cover the cost of courses are available in many cases, and people can call to see if they qualify for financial support.

To get involved, call (01429) 523358.