THE endoscopy appeal run by the Friends of the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton has received a welcome boost.

Rotary clubs in Northallerton and Northallerton Mowbray raised £500 with a musical evening in the garden of the White Swan, in Danby Wiske.

The Friends have set themselves a target of £150,000 to equip a new endoscopy unit as part of the redevelopment of the hospital.

Its day unit will be expanded under the project and it is hoped that local people will benefit from improved access to diagnostic equipment.

This would allow the hospital to diagnose and treat patients at an earlier stage.

Friends chairman Brian Thompson said: "We never ceased to be amazed by the generosity of local people and the support we continue to receive for our fundraising appeals to help the hospital.

"We very much appreciate this generous donation from the Rotary clubs, who have also helped us previously, and we thank them for their valued support."