A PROBATIONARY police officer proved himself to be a determined detective weeks after joining Cleveland Police.

PC Mark Ellis found a valuable diamond-encrusted ring under the seat of a car he had recently bought and set about finding the owner.

His investigations reunited pensioner Mabel Culham, 78, of Middlesbrough, with a family heirloom she lost when she was a passenger in the Honda Civic months earlier.

Mrs Culham said: "I just couldn't believe it.

"We had gone on a shopping trip to Stokesley and when we arrived I realised I hadn't put my jewellery on before leaving home.

"I had it wrapped in a handkerchief in my handbag but when I opened it out I was missing one ring.

"It was very precious to me because it had originally been my mother's engagement ring."

It is not the first time the ring has gone missing.

Many years ago Mrs Culham's mother dropped it in grass while waiting for a bus, but did not stop searching until she found it four months later.

Mrs Culham said: "When I lost it this time, I thought that was it.

"Mark carried out an investigation in true detective fashion. I am sure he will be an asset to the force and wish him all the luck in the world."

PC Ellis' honesty earned him the praise of Chief Constable Sean Price who said he was delighted to have gained such an honourable and valuable officer.

The 25-year-old recruit said: "How it got there I don't know. It must have rattled loose with the driving and landed under the passenger seat. It was just there sparkling at me.

"I checked with the previous owner and that led me to Mrs Culham. When I took it round she was very grateful.

"I don't think it will get lost again."