OPERA singer Suzannah Clarke sang Happy Birthday to Captain Cook yesterday - to mark the 275th anniversary of the explorer's birth.

Hundreds of people joined in her rendition at HM Bark Endeavour with Middlesbrough museums' assistant curator Ian Stubbs dressed as the man himself.

Crew aboard the replica of Cook's first ship were also dressed in 18th Century clothes, and joined the chorus before saluting the Middlesbrough-born sailor with three shots from the cannons.

It is the first time the vessel has been to his hometown and it will be moored at Middlehaven until November 2.

Ms Clarke agreed to lead the crowd after she was approached by Mr Stubbs at the maritime-themed Last Night of the Proms, held in Middlesbrough, on Sunday.

She said: "I was delighted to be asked to sing Happy Birthday and the crowd really got behind me. It is marvellous that the Endeavour is in Middlesbrough and I take my sailor's hat off to those who made it possible.

"Captain Cook is known internationally and he was born in the Tees Valley, so we should be shouting about it so loud that they can hear us in Australia."

More than 10,000 people have paid to board the ship since it arrived on Teesside over a week ago. Yesterday's birthday ceremony is part of two weeks of celebrations organised by Middlesbrough Council as part of an annual Captain Cook festival.