GHOST SHIPS I HAVE always thought of myself as the sort of guy who could see the funny side of life and appreciate a good joke. The debacle of Hartlepool Council's attitude to the 'ghost ships' has all the hallmarks of a first class comedy in the best traditions of 'Yes Minister'.

One could really enjoy this side-splitting stuff, if it wasn't so damned serious.

Local politicians who initially agreed to allow the ships to come have now changed position; nobody seems to know who sent the email to the Health and Safety Executive welcoming the contract - an email which helped lift the restrictions on the import of asbestos.

The first public consultation on the issue was held just one day before the ships were due to set sail. The next public involvement will be through a Scrutiny Forum to be held just five days before the ships are due to arrive, but not reporting on the issue until after the ships are here.

An opportunity exists for Hartlepool Council to demand the Minister of Transport reroute these ships (preferably back to America); this has been delayed because of procedure.

Our Member of Parliament and our MEPs are keeping silent and hoping this hot potato will just go away.

Hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayers' money has been spent cleaning up Hartlepool and promoting it as a tourist attraction, yet the potential damage to Hartlepool's image because of the ghost ships is impossible to quantify.

Actions speak louder than words, as does inaction. The sands of time are running through the hourglass. Could I therefore be so bold as to suggest that those who can actually make a difference 'get their fingers out' and do something now. - Geoff Lilley, Hartlepool.

Darlington FC ONCE again the Darlington whingers were out in force as soon as the Quakers went behind on Saturday. And again they blame the chairman; he who has put millions of pounds into the club.

Were those people so blind in pre-season when the class players left and last year's substitutes got a game? We have had a poor squad since July, and a manager who has tried his hardest to play negative football.

The only glimpses of hope came when Ian Clarke was finally given his correct position and Neil Wainwright came off the bench to rescue a previously non-existent forward line. So Mick Tait hasn't got money to spend, he also hasn't got the right to show such poor tactical knowledge and be so ignorant about his own players' skills. All George Reynolds is guilty of is being naive in the business of football, but it will come right for him. The fans are singing the right song, but to the wrong man. - Dave Cadman, Darlington.

MOST people providing entertainment for the public expect that there will be some criticism. Those in showbusiness tend to ignore it.

However, George Reynolds vows to knock on the doors of his critics at 2.30am. If he does so, who will be the winner and who the loser?

If he had 100 critics he will spend 100 nights awake; if his critics respond and return to knock on his door in the early hours the result is that his critics will have two disturbed nights and George will have 200 disturbed nights. - E Reynolds, Wheatley Hill.

HARRY MEAD HARRY Mead does a great disservice to Christianity in his over-simplification of what Christianity is all about (Echo, Oct 22). A number of his remarks are offensive to Christians.

If he had been writing about another religion, his life would now be in danger and he would be on a death list along with such as Salman Rushdie and the young journalist, now in exile for fear of her life, who made comments about religion in her article on the Miss World Contest.

Come to think of it, if Mr Mead had written in such a way about any other religion than Christianity, I doubt his article would have passed the editor's desk. - EA Moralee, Billingham.

HARRY Mead (Echo, Oct 22) preaches "love, forgiveness, understanding, compassion" while making comments that are grossly offensive to a large section of The Northern Echo's readership. He must be aware that, from the point of view of Christian readers, certain of his statements, which I will not repeat, are blasphemous and obscene. As for his statement that our Lord "showed little interest in women", he needs to read the sacred scriptures where he will find numerous references to women who were dear personal friends of our Lord: Martha and Mary, Susannah, Mary Magdalene, Salome, etc.

There is also at least one episode where our Lord intervened to save a woman's life at no small risk to his own.

When Harry Mead writes about the environment he writes a lot of sound sense and I suggest he sticks to that subject in future because when he strays beyond it he tends to write irresponsible, sub-literate garbage. - T Kelly, Crook.

EVEN conventional sex is best not mentioned in public; which leaves even less scope for unconventional sex (homosexuality).

"What the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over, " they say. But the Anglican church is divided over the act of homosexuality.

"Suppose evidence emerged that Christ himself might have been (not was) homosexual, " said Harry Mead. And supposing Christ wasn't nailed to a cross; but instead put in jail? There are many more suppositions, as well.

- Alfred H Lister, Guisborough.

MULTI-CULTURALISM I HAVE relatives in Leicester who confirm that English people are out-numbered (HAS, Oct 18 and 25). They had to move out of a road they had lived in for 50 years because of the intimidating attitude of immigrants who moved into the area. They were told point blank, and more than once, to get out and finally left because they did not feel safe. Their health suffered, and their council did absolutely nothing about their complaints.

There is fear in England now caused by multiculturalism, and still the left-wing allows foreigners in. Why do voters elect Labour governments when they cause such terrible problems by their policies, and do nothing to rectify an intolerable situation? - P Morrison, Spennymoor.

REUNION MAY I appeal to shipmates to join the 8th Destroyer Association. Membership was originally limited to those who served in the 8th in the Far East from 1945-1963. However, we are now offering membership to those who served in other "C" class destroyers post 1963 and on other stations.

We have a smashing reunion in Scarborough each September, where you will be made warmly welcome. The joy on a shipmate's face when he meets up again with an old comrade is always a please to behold. May I add that the ladies form an important part of the Association and are equally welcome.

Details and membership forms are available from me at the address below. - Cliff Longfoot, Chief Pressganger, 50 Graylands Road, Walton, Liverpool, L4 9UQ. Or by phoning 0151 226 3675 or by e-mailing me on ongfoo50@hotmail. com.