COUNTRYSIDE volunteers in Sedgefield borough, who have been hard at work during the year carrying out several conservation tasks, are preparing to continue the good work next year.

Work has included path maintenance, stile repairs, tree planting, habitat management, installing bird boxes, litter picking and general maintenance of wildlife sites.

The volunteers have also assisted county, parish and town councils, with the help of local schools in environmental projects and improvements.

Louise Harrington, a countryside officer for Sedgefield Borough Council, who organises the volunteers' timetable, said: "They are an invaluable group of people who work hard in all kinds of weather to contribute towards improving the environment for the residents of Sedgefield borough."

To celebrate their continuing success, an eight-mile guided walk will be held on Sunday, December 14, around Bishop Middleham and Ferryhill.

For more information about the guided walk or to find out about becoming a volunteer, contact Louise Harrington on (01388) 816166 extension 4487.