FOUR men were jailed yesterday for kicking a man unconscious during a violent attack in Darlington town centre.

Teesside Crown Court was told that passers-by saw the attack on 32-year-old Andrew Glendenning in Northgate, on Saturday, August 24, last year.

Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, said Mr Glendenning had been socialising with friends when he saw a man and woman arguing and became involved in the altercation.

Mr Dodds said witnesses saw a group, including a 17-year-old girl, attack Mr Glendenning, kicking his head and body.

He said that one witness saw a knife being used in the attack, but it was not possible to identify who had it.

The court heard that Mr Glendenning suffered a wound between his shoulder blades which had left a permanent scar.

Stuart Lawson, 19, Jason Carney, 33, Michael Carney, 39, and Stuart Atkinson, 21, all pleaded guilty to affray.

The court heard that Lawson admitted he was drunk at the time of the attack and that Mr Glendenning did not deserve to be assaulted.

Carney also said that he had drunk ten to 12 pints and he could not remember kicking Mr Glendenning. Atkinson said he kicked Mr Glendenning six or more times in the head as he lay on the ground after he had bumped into his girlfriend.

Robert Terry, defending, said Lawson expected a custodial sentence, which would be his tenth.

Judge John Walford told them: "Violence in public is all too prevalent these days, and when such violence is linked to excessive drinking it has the potential for causing serious injury, though mercifully not on this occasion. Each of you acted in concert in kicking a man to his head and body whilst he was lying helpless on the ground. There can only be custodial sentences in each of your cases."

Lawson, of Meadowfield Road, Darlington, who also pleaded guilty to an unrelated robbery and attempted robbery, was sent to a young offenders' institution for three years and 11 months.

Atkinson, of Park Crescent, Darlington, was jailed for six months.

Jason Carney, of Tansley Gardens, Darlington, was jailed for three months, and Michael Carney, of West Moor Road, Darlington, was jailed for two months.