DRUG dealers, vandals and gangs of rowdy youths are making residents' lives a misery on a Teesside estate.

People living on the Church Lane Estate in Eston will hold their third public meeting tomorrow to discuss the problems which they claim have made them prisoners in their homes after dark.

They say the drug dealers, who have moved into empty properties, have attracted more users into the area.

They also say there has been an increase in vandalism and anti-social behaviour, including off-road biking.

Residents who have tried to move drug users on say they have been attacked while others claim they cannot leave their cars outside their homes because so many strangers are parking in the area. Four months ago, 30 cars on the estate had their tyres slashed.

Secretary of the Church Lane Community Partnership, John Garvey, said: "The situation has gone from bad to worse in the last year.

"People are too scared to even look out of their own windows.

"The main problem is landlord Coast and Country's vetting procedure for tenants on the estate and the properties which have been left empty which attract drug users."

Mr Garvey said that although surveillance by police and community safety wardens had increased recently, more needed to be done.

A spokesman for Coast and Country Housing, which owns some of the houses, said: "We have carried out a number of evictions - but not particularly around drug-taking - and issued suspended possession orders.

"We have also applied to the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund for fencing and barriers to stop motorcyclists riding on the paths and for money to close off alleyways. More secure parking also needs to be created."

A spokesman for Cleveland Police said: "Police have recognised the Eston area has suffered from anti-social behaviour problems and there has been an ongoing police operation for the past few weeks, with high visibility patrols together with partnership working to look for diversionary leisure activities for these youngsters."

To report crime in the area, call Crime Stoppers in confidence on 0800 555 111 or write to Inspector Jason Dickinson at Eston police station.

The public meeting will be held at 6pm tomorrow at the Labour Club, Fabian Road.