A PENSIONER who brought a town centre to a standstill when he told his landlord that he had a gun, walked free from court yesterday.

Joseph Michael Coughlan, 65, was given a six-month conditional discharge by Darlington magistrates after he admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words.

During the incident on October 20, armed police surrounded Coughlan's flat in North Road, Darlington, for more than two hours, before they forced their way into the property at 11.15pm.

Traffic was brought to a standstill and vehicles eventually had to be diverted along Whessoe Road.

Hari Jandoo, prosecuting, told the court that Coughlan, had a disagreement with his landlord Rajan Vedhara about rent.

Mr Jandoo said: "The defendant was abusive, he said 'It's my flat and I will do what I want. I have a loaded pistol.'

"When questioned, the defendant said he could not recollect saying he had a gun."

In mitigation, Christopher Bunting told the court that Coughlan accepted he had lost his temper, and that he shouted and swore at his landlord.

But he explained that the flat was in poor repair and Coughlan had tried to get his landlord to put it right. He said his client suffered from epilepsy.

"His landlord was not receptive to his requests that he get the flat put in order, he seems quite happy to take the rent and isn't too bothered about the conditions his tenants have to live in," he said.

He added that as a result of the incident Coughlan lost his flat and had been sleeping rough for a couple of nights. He now lived in Yarm Road.

Coughlan was also ordered to pay £55 costs.