POLICE have issued a warning to motorists to be aware of motorcyclists on the roads during dark winter evenings.

The appeal has been issued to curb the toll of casualties among the biking fraternity in County Durham and Darlington.

The 731 road accident casualties recorded in the Durham force area last year was 20 fewer than in 2001, but accidents involving motorcyclists increased.

There have already been nine deaths among riders and pillion passengers so far this year, compared with an average of three or four fatalities in each of the past five years.

Force traffic experts are concerned that with the onset of darker evenings, motorcyclists will be at their most vulnerable.

Casualty reduction officer, PC Dave Nixon, said: "Motorists should ensure their vehicles are well lit so they can see and be seen."

Pedal cyclists should only use bikes with lights, and motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians needed to wear bright clothing, he said.