EXTRA police patrols are to be deployed in Hartlepool in an effort to reduce the number of injuries caused by fireworks.

The patrols will form part of a week-long operation by police, Hartlepool Borough Council, trading standards and community wardens.

The operation starts on Halloween night on Friday and will run until Bonfire Night on Wednesday, November 5.

Hartlepool police operations manager, Superintendent Dave Horner, said: "This is a stern warning to those engaging in anti-social behaviour through misusing fireworks. We will target that minority which deals in misery and causes distress in our communities."

Supt Horner said arrests would be made, and charges brought, against those misusing fireworks.

He said that juveniles involved in the misuse of fireworks, and their parents, would be required to attend police offices to be dealt with.

Supt Horner also warned that shopkeepers, and anyone selling fireworks illegally, could face prosecution.

He said: "I urge parents to know where their children are and what they are getting up to during Halloween and Bonfire Night.

"It is not just a matter for police: parents, too, have a responsibility to ensure their children are not causing nuisance or danger to others."

The clampdown was announced the day after Cleveland police revealed that two 14-year-olds were receiving plastic surgery for injuries caused when fireworks went off in their hands.

The mother of one of the boys spoke out about the dangers of fireworks after the accident on Eston High Street, in Eston, near Middlesbrough, on Sunday night.