AN audience at Durham's Gala Theatre was given a treat of epic proportions when the premier of Param Vir's Ion rolled into town.

Set in the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, the opera follows the emotional journey of a mother Creusa and son Ion as they rediscover each other after a long separation.

David Lan's interpretation of Euripides' epic drama is set to the idiosyncratic music of Param Vir, in a score which faithfully reflects a gamut of emotions, distinguishing at the same time between gods, mortals and slaves.

Durham University-educated tenor Michael Bennett took the lead role, making his homecoming performance. His portrayal of the youthful Ion, who was abandoned as a child at birth, was both animated and energetic; his voice unfaltering, as it handled the high notes with an icy clarity, while dressing delicate passages with a superlative sensitivity.

Soprano Rita Cullis packed a powerful performance as mother Creusa, though at times demanding passages made for difficult diction.

A chorus of servants provided some magical moments, while North-East baritone Graeme Danby added his mellifluous tones as Creusa's husband, Xuthus.

After trying to kill each other, Ion and Creusa discover they are son and mother, a defining moment conveyed with utter conviction.

The chamber orchestra, conducted by Michael Rafferty, played brilliantly.

The opera was concluded with a striking tableaux. The gods would have approved - the audience certainly did.

Published: ??/??/2003