YOUNGSTERS who have received £11,000 to research the future of skateboarding facilities in Darlington, have pledged to carry-out an in depth survey.

The money from the Prince's Trust Millennium Group Awards will fund reviews and surveys into skateboarding, in-line skating and biking facilities.

The youngsters who will carry out the research are aged 12 to 18.

They applied for the funding after carrying out reviews on facilities in the town and talking to others about what they would like to see added.

Known as The Ramps Team, the group is supported by Darlington Borough Council's sports development team and the Darlington and District Youth and Community Association.

One of the Ramps Team's 15 members, 16-year-old Mark Dobinson, who attends Hummersknott School and Language College, said: "I'm delighted we have got this funding.

"It means we can take our research forward to include people of all ages across the town.

"People from different backgrounds can have their say about what facilities they want to see."

The group met Darlington Mayor Councillor Ron Lewis yesterday to discuss their plans and secure his support for their research.

The information they gather through surveys and reviews will be used as the basis for proposals for more facilities in Darlington.

The Ramps Team were all active supporters of, and helped to arrange, the council's Get On Board days, which saw biking, blading and boarding roadshows at the Eastbourne Sports Complex earlier this year.