A large black cat spotted on a North-East nature reserve led council workers to wonder if they had seen the legendary Durham puma.

Jeff Talbot and Ian Liddle were working on a former allotment site at Bishop Middleham, County Durham, when they noticed something moving in the undergrowth.

Mr Talbot, who works for Sedgefield Borough Council, said the animal was jet black and the size of a large dog, but moved like a cat. He said: "I saw what I immediately thought was a large black cat and I prompted Ian.

"I knew what I thought it was in my own mind, but I wanted it confirmed, so I asked Ian what he thought and he said it was a large cat. "I didn't believe my own eyes at first, but I'm glad Ian was there because I always used to dismiss these stories."

Further enquiries at the site, which is being turned into a wetland and wildlife reserve, revealed there had been further sightings and carcasses found close to the scene.

Sergeant Eddie Bell, Durham Constabulary's wildlife liaison officer, has been tracking similar sightings throughout the county over the last 20 years.

He believes there is firm evidence of pumas roaming the countryside in County Durham, but most of the sightings reported to him turn out to be feral cats.

He said the sighting is very interesting, but added the jet black colour reported probably rules out a puma or a leopard in this case.

He said: "This could have been a very big feral cat which, because it's taken out of context, can appear as big as a dog.

"These are nice, big spectacular animals, but the only sightings that scare me are when people say it's the size of a small horse."