ABOLITION of pest control charges in Richmondshire has been called for by town councillors.

Richmond Town Council heard rat problems had increased since the district council introduced fees for ridding private property of pests.

Members are to write to the district authority to urge it to follow the actions of neighbouring Hambleton District Council, which scrapped such charges following public pressure.

The town council was told on Monday that rat infestation had been reported in several areas, particularly those near the river, over the long, hot summer.

Coun Tom Burrows said New Road, York Place and Bridge Terrace had been affected and many households in those areas were unable to afford the £37 fee. Yorkshire Water had cleaned sewers in the area, but the rodents had returned shortly afterwards.

"I understand the district council's reasons behind the charges, but we know rat problems have increased and there are rats reported in the closed Black Lion pub and in the Market Place," said Coun Burrows.

Coun Stuart Parsons, the mayor, won unanimous support for calls for abolition of pest control charges.

He also urged residents to report rats and other pests to their town councillor, who would contact the district authority.

The district council environment unit has said it has no plans to scrap fees. The decision would rest with members.